Campaign Impacts
Climate Nashville has been a very active participant in statewide campaigns focused on reducing carbon in the TVA region. These campaigns – spearheaded by organizations such as the Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign and the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy have had significant impact. TVA has reduced its carbon output by 30% in recent years.
Current Campaign / Reform the TVA
Impact the TVA 20-Year Plan
TVA is developing a 20-year energy plan for the region. Climate Nashville believes the plan should:
Dramatically increase renewable energy in Tennessee
Emphasize energy efficiency and conservation
Protect people of modest means from high energy burdens
Develop a Green Jobs strategy
Listen to Nashville residents in developing the plan
Oppose the Proposed TVA Rate Structure
Last year TVA announced they plan to change the way electric bills are calculated by moving towards higher monthly fixed fees and lower usage rates for electricity. This reduces the incentive for homeowners and businesses to cut electric consumption with energy efficiency practices like adding insulation, programmable thermostats, and LED lighting, in addition to installing solar. Read the Knoxville News article describing the change.
You can help us by signing and sharing the petition against the proposed TVA rate change.
And in December 2017, TVA announced that their Green Power Providers Program will only pay a fixed rate for solar energy over the next 20 years. A fixed rate pre-determines the value of solar despite increases in electric rates over time. Read the Chattanooga Times article on TVA’s limited Solar Program.
Recent Campaign Highlights
February 2018
Tennesseans for Solar Choice - Climate Nashville is active in a new coalition formed by Southern Alliance for Clean Energy to bring much more renewable energy to the TVA region. For more information visit https://www.tnsolarchoice.org.
December 2017
Over 200 people rallied and marched in the Green Hills Nashville neighborhood in support of staying in the Paris Climate Accord.
July 2017
September 2017
Climate Nashville co-hosted a Solar 101 Workshop with Lightwave Solar. Over 60 people attended.
July 2017
Climate Nashville co-hosted a public meeting with SOCM with a presentation by the Union of Concerned Scientist on extreme proposed cutbacks on Department of Energy Clean Energy and Development. Representatives then met with Senator Alexander’s staff. Alexander, who chaired the relevant budget committee, was instrumental in blocking these cutbacks in the proposed Senate budget.
April 2017
Climate Nashville was a core sponsor the Nashville March for Science and Climate. Over 4,000 people marched on a rainy Earth Day morning in support of science-based and carbon conscious policy!
April 2016
Climate Nashville urged Nashville Electric Service to initiate a Community Solar program. This was the focus of our Earth Day Booth. NES will soon be launching its first Community Solar project.
March-August 2016
Climate Nashville helped convene a group of low-income people to design a set of 10 principles for better low-income energy and weatherization programs. These principles were presented to TVA and to the Livable Nashville committee. This group will convene again in November 2017. It has been a joint partnership of Trinity Community Impact, the Nashville Chapter of Tennessee Interfaith Power and Light, and Creation Care Ministry, Tennessee Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
April 2015
Climate Nashville was instrumental in bringing over 150 participants to attend a public hearing on TVA’s long term plan. Over 30 people testified in favor of increasing renewable energy and energy efficiency.